Actriţa Julie Walters, cunoscută pentru rolurile ei din „Mamma Mia', „Billy Elliot' sau „Educating Rita', a dezvăluit că suferă cu cancer de colon în stadiul trei.
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock (5586772oz)
Julie Walters
EE BAFTA British Academy Film Awards, Arrivals, Royal Opera House, London, Britain – 14 Feb 2016 -
Dame Julie Walters at the EE British Academy Film Awards – Red Carpet Arrivals at the Royal Albert Hall, London on Sunday February 18th 2018
©ROS/Capital Pictures -
BGUK_1221471 – Yorkshire, UNITED KINGDOM – *EXCLUSIVE* – Actress Julie Walters has a stroll through a small village in Yorkshire and does a spot of shopping in a charity shop before heading to set to start filming The Secret Garden with Colin Firth.
*PICTURES TAKEN ON 01/05/2018*Pictured: Julie Walters
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Julie Walters
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
*Filmstill – Editorial Use Only*
Image supplied by Capital Pictures -
Ferrari Press Agency
Ref 9624
Poppins 1
See Ferrari text
Picture MUST credit : DisneyVeteran US actor Dick Van Dyke shows he stills has the moves at the age of 92 – as he star in a sequel to classic Disney childrens movie Mary Poppins.He climbs on a desk and performs some fancy footwork in the first full length trailer, as the son of the aged banker seen in Disneys 1964 original Poppins film with Julie Andrews in the title role of the magical childrens nanny.Actress Emily Blunt takes over from Andrews which sees her return to London and be reunited with the now grown-up children she once cared for, Jane and Michael Banks,Michael, played by James Bond Q actor Ben Wishaw, and Jane, played by actress Emily Mortimer, are reunited with Mary after she floats from the sky.Michael is bereaved and has three children to care for so Mary answers the call.The new film is described as an homage’ to the original and is set a few years after the original ended, this time in depression-era London of the 1920s.A Disney spokesman said:’ Through her unique magical skills, and with the aid of her friend Jack, she helps the family rediscover the joy and wonder missing in their lives.’Dick Van Dyke played chimney sweep Bert in the original movie as well as the banker he this time plays the son of.The original film contained still famous songs such as Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, A Spoonful of Sugar and Chim Chim Cheree.It was notable for its use of live action and animated characters interacting for a sequence where Mary takes Bert and the children into the world of a chalk street painting.A similar sequence is included this time around with Mary spinning around a bowl decorated with flowers.As the bowl turns, the flowers lift up and fly around the room, transporting her, the children and a chimney sweep named Jack, played by Lin-Manuel Miranda., to a cartoon world of penguins, horse and trap and dolphins.There is also a magical under
Actriţa care
împlineşte 70 de ani pe 22 februarie a mărturisit că a prezentat câteva
simptome în urmă cu mai mult de doi ani şi a consultat un chirurg
gastroenterolog, însă a crezut că medicii au greşit diagnosticul când i-au spus
că suferă de cancer.
„Trebuie să fi
făcut o greşeală. Nu puteam crede!’ –a spus Julie pentru BBC.
Julie Walters a
fost supusă şi unei intervenţii chirurgicale, a optat apoi pentru chimioterapie,
despre care a spus că nu a avut efecte secundare importante şi se simte bine.
Julie a precizat că
următorul film în care joacă, „The Secret Garden’, va fi, probabil, ultimul
pentru ea.