Unii spun „ironia sorții”, alții „culmea coronavirusului”. Cert este că protectoarea oamenilor afectați de pandemii, martir al Bisericii Catolice, este Sfânta Corona, iar o parte din moaștele ei este păstrată, din secolul IX, în Anzu, în Nordul Italiei, chiar în zona în care a izbucnit epidemia cu noul coronavirus în Europa, arată Catholic Pilgrimage.
First of all, we must understand that the idea of patron saints or protectors is not fixed or predetermined. Over time, people have seen that certain saints have helped, either during their life or after death, in a certain area of interest and, therefore, based on this experience, people again seek the help of that saint. Thus, we have the Holy Unmercenary Healers who are about twenty, having Saint Panteleimon as the first among them; Saint Menas who finds everything which is lost; Saint Nicholas, the protector of those who travel by sea; and Saint Christopher, the protector of those who travel by land.
The field in which the saints help is not necessarily related to their field of activity, as in the case of the Holy Unmercenary Healers. For example, in the case of Saint Menas, we have no information that he would have taken care of finding things for as long as he lived. Saint Menas was a soldier—but we know he does countless wonders by finding a lot of lost things for those who pray to him.
Another category of patron saints are those who are bound in a certain way to us. They are: the saint of ones name, the saints of the day (there are usually more), and the patron saints of the place: of the family, of the city, of the nation. For example, Thessaloniki has Saint Demetrios as the patron saint and Romania, Russia, and Scotland have Saint Andrew. The absolute record of the protected countries is held by, of course, Saint George.
Beyond that, one factor is a persons personal pious feeling towards a saint. If we feel that we have a particular godliness towards a certain saint, this comes from the saint himself who wants to help us and, for this reason, he sends us this feeling which, if we wish, we can use it and pray to him. Of course, the first cases here are the Mother of God and Saint John the Baptist.
In the case of pandemics, we have Saint Haralambos, Saint Nikephoros the Leper (who is already very famous), and, more recently, Saint Corona, to whom many people today pray against the outbreak of the pandemic. Saint Corona, known in Orthodoxy under the Greek variant of her name, Saint Stephanida or Stephanie, would have lived in the second century, being martyred with Saint Victor in the present territory of Syria, during Marcus Aurelius. Corona, who was only 16, was arrested for trying to encourage Victor, the tortured Roman soldier, because he was a Christian. The life of the saint notes that she was tied between two palm trees and torn at the moment the tree trunks were released.
The saint celebrates on November 11, together with Saint Menas (mentioned above), Victor and Vincent.
If anyone has godliness and wants to pray to the saints on November 11, the troop of saints is (plagal of the 4th tone) the following:
As godly-minded athletes and Martyrs who strove for piety, the Church doth honour and glorify this day the godly contests and travails of Menas the prizewinner, noble Victor, brave Vincent, and valiant Stephanie, and lovingly doth cry out and glorify Christ, the Friend of man.
Of Saint Nikephoros the Leper (on 1st tone):
O venerable father Nicephoros the Leper, your struggles and courageous asceticism dumbfounded heavens angels. Like another Job in pain, you did endure and gave glory to God. And so, for you, He arranged a resplendent crown of miracles. Rejoice, O guide of monastics! Rejoice, O prism of light! Rejoice, O delightful fragrance radiating from your relics!
And of Saint Charalambos (on 4th tone) is:
O wise Charalambos, you were proven an unshakable pillar of the Church of Christ; an ever-shining lamp of the universe. You shone in the world by your martyrdom. You delivered us from the moonless night of idolatry O blessed one. Wherefore, boldly intercede to Christ that we may be saved.
Italy, Milan – March 13, 2020.Coronavirus Covid 19 emergency. Italian people were told to avoid leaving home, – Stay Home- decreee. Neighbors singing songs and playing music together from their windows to boost morale during coronavirus lockdown in Milan – Friday 13, 2020 (Credit Image: © Cozzoli/Giacomino/Ropi via ZUMA Press) -
Italy, Milan – March 13, 2020.Coronavirus Covid 19 emergency. Italian people were told to avoid leaving home, – Stay Home- decreee. Neighbors singing songs and playing music together from their windows to boost morale during coronavirus lockdown in Milan Friday 13, 2020 (Credit Image: © Piaggesi/Fotogramma/Ropi via ZUMA Press) -
dpatop – 16 March 2020, Italy, Rome: A woman looks out the window during one of the many flash mobs against loneliness caused by isolation in the face of the coronavirus outbreak. Photo: Mauro Scrobogna/LaPresse via ZUMA Press/dpa -
Sfânta Corona este un martir al Bisericii Catolice, care a trăit în secolul II, asociată cu Sfântul Victor. Cei doi au fost omorâți de soldații romani în jurul anului 170, iar ziua lor este sărbătorită pe 14 mai.
Corona a fost o adolescentă de 16 ani, martirizată pentru creștinism, cel mai probabil pe teritoriul actual al Siriei, în timpul împăratului Marc Aureliu, pentru că îl încuraja pe Victor, cumnatul ei, un soldat roman care era torturat pentru că era creștin. Corona avea numai 16 ani când a murit că martiră pentru creştinism.
Relicvele sfinților Corona și Victor au fost aduse în secolul IX în orașul Anzu, unde tânăra este celebrată pe 14 mai, în timp ce martiriul lor este comemorat pe 24 noiembrie. Un calendar al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Române a Italiei, din 2014, notează data de 20 februarie, printre alţii pentru Sf.Victor, Corona şi cei 20 împreună cu dânşii mucenici la Roma.
În apropierea oraşului Feltre, pe Muntele Miesna este biserica Sfinţilor Victor şi Corona, ridicată de cruciaţi după Prima Cruciadă. De asemenea, cercetătorii au stabilit şi prezenţa unui tip de polen de cedru specific zonei Siriene, citează Mediafax.
Cei doi sfinţi sunt mai populari în Austria şi în estul Bavariei. Moaşte ale sfintei au fost transportate de Otto III în Aachen, de către Otto al III-lea.
La sfârșitul lui martie, Catedrala din Aachen, Germania, a scos din tezaur moaştele puţin cunoscutei Sfinte Corona, patroana rezistenței la epidemii, și a început să cureţe racla complexă în care se află acestea, pentru a fi expusă la încheierea pandemiei de coronavirus.